
Nested is a game changing social trading platform aimed at facilitating the financial connectivity for the crypto community.

Multi-chain and built to scale, Nested allows users to build a profile and then create, copy, manage, update, send and share financial portfolios.
These financial portfolios — the ‘Nested portfolios’— are represented as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) reflecting sets of tokens.

Whenever a user’s Nested portfolio is copied, he/she earns associated royalties. The more copies of a portfolio are made, the more royalties a user will earn!

Nested’s team has put a lot of effort into designing the most user-friendly app, while preserving the highest level of decentralization.


Mont-Blanc, Genève, Suisse
1201 Genève


Compétences déjà recherchées par l'entreprise

  • Blockchain Data
  • Lean Six Sigma
  • Redux
  • Six Sigma


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